Product Description

Nicotine Alkaloid

Nicotine alkaloid is a key component in the production of nicotine USP/EP, which is a purified form of nicotine that meets the strict standards of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and European Pharmacopoeia (EP). Nicotine USP/EP is used in a variety of tobacco substitutes, including electronic cigarettes, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and nicotine lozenges. These products use nicotine USP/EP to ensure that they contain high-quality nicotine in a purified form, which meets the required standards for safety and effectiveness.

Here are some of the benefits of using nicotine USP/EP in tobacco substitutes:

·         High quality: Nicotine USP/EP is a high-quality form of nicotine that is free of impurities. This ensures that the tobacco substitutes that use it are safe and effective.

·         Purity: Nicotine USP/EP is a purified form of nicotine, which means that it has been processed to remove any impurities. This ensures that the tobacco substitutes that use it are safe and effective.

·         Consistency: Nicotine USP/EP is a consistent form of nicotine, which means that the amount of nicotine in each dose is the same. This ensures that the tobacco substitutes that use it are safe and effective.


Molecular Formula   :     C10H14N2

Cas No.                       :     1954-11-05

Regulatory Documents

USDMF                      :     

EDMF                         :     

Batch Size                 :     550 Kgs.


Appearance   :     Reddish brownish Liquid.


Nicotine Sulphate   :     92% to 98% on as basis

Chromatographic purity By HPLC

Largest identified impurity                 :      ≤ 1.00 %

Largest Unidentified impurity            :     ≤ 0.30 %

Total impurity                                       :     ≤ 3.00 %